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08/23/12 - Rocking the boat....

American Courtesans is now out of color and the sound mix. We expect delivery - Sunday nite and then will pair the sound with the film on Monday...and we�re done. I mean really done. I will leave the studio with a copy in my hand and we did it. Such a crazy mixture of excitement and fear.... I have put so much of myself into this project that it scares me, what if it goes no where. What if the extreme right, throws too many obstacles in our way? Last night I became aware that IMDB put an NC-17 rating on our trailer. (you can see it at http://www.americancourtesans.com).

This is not a film for children, but at the same time, it is a true documentary. We have no gratuitous violence or sexual activity in the film... but we do speak of our lives. I can get that a bit more, with the actual film, as we do speak of the experiences that we�ve encountered and what our lives are really like. But the trailer, mystifies me a bit. I�m not sure why this occurred. However, for each obstacle we encounter, there is an opposing positive reaction, and I believe that this will be the same. Our film speaks loudly of discrimination and a lack of civil liberties that others seem to take for granted. It very much points out what the World Health Organization and the United Nations have been saying.... that the current laws my not work the way we think they do. Sad, but in our eyes true....

Now I am in no way asking you to subscribe to my opinion, and I truly defend your right to uphold your own belief system.... that�s what makes the US so very wonderful and what it is. What scares me is those who without knowing even what we are going to say, try to silence us. I am a bit used to it. I have had my facebook, linkedin, and even an interview that a reporter posted pulled, (you can read about it here http://www.411mania.com/movies/columns/249490) just because of who I am and the traffic that is garnered by my presence. Crazy I know. I always tell people that the fiercest thing about me is my chihuahua, and right she is in a cast and at home, so you have no worries at all. I�m not contagious, lol..... I�m simply a person like you!

There are those of you out there who can think for yourselves. Educated, discerning, and inquisitive. I am simply asking you to watch with an open mind. If we get a NC-17 rating, well we can rock that too!. You might be disappointed as it�s a documentary, so if your looking for porn, or violence. You are looking in the wrong place. If you are interested in myth and fictitious encounters, well then again your barking up the wrong tree and your going to find the label so very misleading. But if you are looking for and able to handle the truth about a few women in the US�s lives... well, then this is the film for you. I can actually see people getting upset because there is no nudity (yea, guys... not even a nipple.....oops, can I say that???). Exactly that�s how crazy, is that. But in the mean time... I�ll let the controversy move us. Those who oppose us only serve to elevate our positions. Those who don�t want to hear from us will only make our voices stronger, because we are not the only ones in life who have encountered this... And I find our supporters come from so many places...

So... if you want to see our film, and if you yourself are a provider or gentleman supporter, or simply a friend of us Sex Workers. Please go to the IMDB page and help us have a voice. The more who go and show their interest the more our voices will be heard... Thank you, thank you, thank you...

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